Connect in Community

I'm Passionate

about connecting you…

with other incredible women like you

The energy created by the simple act of women sitting together in Circle and sharing their stories is hard to put into words.

You have to experience it to fully appreciate what it can mean.

Every woman who joins us is so different to the next, but we soon realise that we are more the same than we are different.

And we all laugh and cry together over the same things.

Our Portrait Experiences offer you a unique chance to re-connect with yourself and your body.  But we believe in a holistic approach, so our Women’s Circles offer you the opportunity to connect with other women – like women used to do, in a space of deep sharing and listening.


What is a Women's Circle?

Every day we get to meet the most incredible women at our studio.  The potential we have to build a deep and nourishing community that people can dip in and out of as they need to, is magical.

Here are the basic house rules:

  • Share as much or as little as you like, there is no pressure here and there is connection in deep listening too
  • No advice, feedback or judgment to be given at any time.  We are simply a space for sharing and listening.
  • Anything shared during the Circle stays in the Circle once it is closed. We do not assume anyone wants to keep discussing anything they raised afterwards.

the reconnection

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"Very powerful experience. Loved the synchronicities that presented themselves"

How it Works



Spaces will be released here and over email in advance at £12 a ticket. These will either be at our studio just outside of Reading UK, or online over Zoom.


Come with an Open Heart

And a blanket and cushion if you would like to be comfy. We usually sit together on the floor in a Circle but can accommodate other seating arrangements if needed


Ease In

Sharan will open the Circle with a short grounding exercise and explain how everything works.  Then The Circle will be open for you to share what your heart wants to give voice to.



The women who come into each Circle most often do not know each other outside of it. But the deep connection that happens in that room is profound. Let’s drink tea.


The ability to say out loud the things we often don’t, can take away its power over us. 

It can be hard to share our daily struggles and sometimes even our wins with the people around us.

The Circle gives you the chance to do just that in a safe and confidential space.

You don’t have to have done a portrait session with us to attend the Circles. We aim for the session to last 90 minutes, occasionally it goes over if everybody is happy to continue and the shares are flowing.